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Do Immune System Disorders Qualify for Social Security Disability?
The immune system is an essential component of the body. It protects against germs, viruses, bacteria, or other invasive organisms that can cause infections and diseases. When the immune system fails to function correctly, a person can experience serious illnesses that can impact their physical health and leave them feeling exhausted and ill. In severe cases, these disorders can prevent an individual from holding down a job or pursuing their daily activities. Fortunately, people with qualifying immune system disorders may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. People who suffer from these types of disorders will need to determine what benefits may be available and how they can demonstrate that they are disabled.
UPDATE: How Do Concentration, Persistence, and Pace Affect SSD Claims?
Update: As described below, the issue of "concentration, persistence, and pace" can play a significant role in determining whether a person's condition qualifies as a disability. When applying for Social Security disability benefits, a person may be able to show that they are unable to work in jobs they have held in the past or find employment in other jobs because they cannot concentrate on their work or continue working at the expected pace during the day. It can be helpful to understand the types of conditions for which concentration, persistence, and pace may be a factor when applying for Social Security disability benefits.
Some conditions where a person may be able to show that they qualify for disability benefits due to issues with concentration, persistence, and pace include:
Mental health disorders - Diagnosed mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), behavioral disorders, or autism-spectrum disorders may cause a person to struggle to focus on work-related tasks, or they may only be able to work for short periods of time. To qualify for disability benefits, these issues must usually involve extreme limitations, and other criteria must be met as well.
Is Social Security Disability Available for Sensory Impairments?
There are a variety of health issues that can affect people, cause them to experience limitations on the activities they can perform in their daily lives, and make it difficult to find or maintain employment. Sensory impairments, including vision loss, hearing impairments, or speech disorders, can be especially difficult to deal with. Fortunately, people who suffer from these issues may qualify for Social Security disability benefits, which will provide them with assistance that will allow them to meet their ongoing needs. In these situations, it is important to understand the requirements a person will need to meet to show that they are disabled and are eligible for benefits through Social Security.
What Is the Role of Medical Experts in Social Security Disability Cases?
If you have a physical or mental condition that qualifies as a disability, you may apply for Social Security disability benefits. When doing so, you will need to demonstrate that your condition is severe enough that it prevents you from maintaining gainful employment and earning enough income to meet your ongoing needs. During the Social Security disability application process, it is important to understand the role that medical experts may play in your case. Medical evidence is an essential part of proving that you meet the criteria for receiving disability benefits. Medical experts can ensure that this evidence is evaluated correctly to determine whether you meet the requirements to be considered disabled.
How Will Failure to Follow Prescribed Treatment Affect an SSD Claim?
If you are planning to apply for Social Security disability benefits, or if you are currently receiving benefits, it is important that you follow the course of treatment that has been prescribed by your doctor or other medical professionals. Failure to do so can result in a number of consequences, including the denial of a disability claim or the loss of your benefits. If you have encountered any issues related to treatment for your condition, it is important to understand how Social Security will address these situations.
When Will Social Security Consider Whether Prescribed Treatment Has Been Followed?
Treatment plans for a disabled person are typically put together by a combination of their doctor, physical therapist, and other medical professionals. The goal of the treatment plan is to help them improve their condition to the point where they can either return to work or stabilize their condition. There are a variety of different types of treatments that a person may be required to undergo. These can include (but are not limited to):
Can "Long COVID" Qualify Me for Disability Benefits?
Over the last several years, it has become well-known - if not medically well-understood - that many people who were infected with COVID continue to have disruptive symptoms long after the initial infection has cleared. This has generally been referred to as “long COVID,” with people who experience this phenomenon “COVID long-haulers.” The symptoms associated with long COVID can interfere substantially with a person’s life and ability to work. Significant and persistent tiredness or fatigue is an oft-cited concern of individuals with lasting COVID symptoms.
Some individuals - predominantly women - have even had a COVID infection contribute to the development of a little-understood medical condition known as Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). In some cases, long COVID can rise to the level of a disability for the purposes of Social Security Disability benefits. If you are unable to work due to the lasting effects of COVID, an attorney may be able to help you get the disability benefits you need.
When Is Social Security Disability Available for Spine Disorders?
The spine is a complex system of bones, muscles, and ligaments that protect the spinal cord and allow the body to move. Because the spine is so important to the body’s overall function, any disorder that affects the spine can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. These disorders can also affect a person's ability to maintain gainful employment, and those who are significantly disabled may qualify for government benefits. Disability benefits are provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) in cases where a person cannot work because of a serious medical condition. This includes individuals who suffer from spine disorders. To qualify for benefits, applicants must have a condition that will last at least one year or result in death.
How to Demonstrate Disability When Applying for Social Security Benefits
There are numerous different types of illnesses, injuries, and other medical or psychological issues that may affect a person's ability to work. In situations where a person is unable to maintain gainful employment, disability benefits may be available through Social Security. However, applying for Social Security disability benefits can be a lengthy and complicated process. In order to increase the chances of being approved for benefits, it is important for an applicant to be able to effectively demonstrate that they are disabled. With the help of an attorney who is experienced in Social Security disability cases, an applicant can provide the correct information and show that they need assistance.
What Should Be Included in a Social Security Disability Application?
Social Security disability benefits will only be available to those who are considered to be totally disabled. There are multiple complex requirements that must be met to demonstrate disability, but generally, a person will need to show that their condition is severe enough that it has prevented them from doing work they had done in the past or from finding other jobs that would allow them to earn sufficient income to address their ongoing needs.
Can I Receive Social Security Disability Benefits for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
There are many types of impairments that can affect a person’s ability to maintain gainful employment. A person who has experienced an injury that makes it difficult or impossible to perform work-related activities may qualify for disability benefits through Social Security, including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Carpal tunnel syndrome is one issue that can affect people in multiple industries, including those who regularly type on computers or people such as auto mechanics who use their hands to complete work-related tasks. Those who have experienced these types of repetitive stress injuries can take the correct steps to apply for Social Security disability benefits by working with an attorney who is experienced in these types of cases.
Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Considered a Disability?
Does My Condition Qualify for Expedited Benefits Under SSDI?
Social Security disability benefits are designed to provide financial assistance for those who cannot earn an income through substantial work due to a medical condition that has lasted or is expected to last at least a year or result in that person’s death. Typically, if an application for Social Security disability benefits is approved, the benefits will begin after a five-month waiting period after the first month the person was considered disabled. This is designed to ensure the condition is a lasting disability and is serious enough to warrant benefits. However, the Social Security Administration, with input from the public and the medical community, has identified diseases and medical conditions that due to their serious nature or their lengthy or permanent disability status, will clearly meet the standards for disability. This is known as the compassionate allowance program.

Thank you so much Jonathan. I was so tired of waiting almost 2 years for my disability hearing and you told me always stay positive and to not give up. You met with me before my hearing and told me what to expect and when you told me the judge approved my case I was so relieved! The Social Security disability payments I get allow me to keep seeing my doctors and really help us out. Thank you!
- Shirley
Jonathan thank you for helping me win my Social Security disability case. You are so easy to talk to and don’t make me feel stupid each time I call with my questions.
- Rene
Jonathan is very knowledgeable and pleasant,He is very considerate for his client and return my all phone calls promptly.I was very happy for his services. I highly recommend him to any body who needs attorney help.
- S.P., Wheeling, IL